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The media has launched a ‘tirade on me’: Craig Kelly


Liberal MP Craig Kelly says the media has launched a “tirade” and accused him of misinformation, but whenever he asks them for evidence they “simply don’t do it”. Discussing the backlash he has received over recent comments, Mr Kelly said the prime minister is “in favour of free speech.” “He understands the importance of free speech.” CLICK HERE FOR LINK

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IF COVID-19 Is NOT A Coronavirus! – Then what is it!

“As an Integrative Health Consultant and Coronavirus Coach, I saw early on that COVID-19 was not a coronavirus.  My first Covid patient began presenting classic Covid symptoms during the first week of December of 2019.  Because of how resistant it was to practically every treatment we prescribed, we knew it was a NOT just a coronavirus. 




Anyone who doubts this critical analysis ought to closely watch the following video presentation by Dr. Lawrence Palevsky: Covid-19 Gain in Function “parasite infection” (Video)

Even Dr. Fauci has talked about the fact that illegal work on biological weapons can no longer be conducted in the United States.  Which is why they farmed out the top-secret Covid “gain of function” project to a high-security, bio-lab located at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.  That necessary “gain of function” technology was apparently used to add a parasite into the Covid microbial mix…among other debilitating and evasive pathogens.

Now the question remains: Specifically, what other pathogenic micro-organisms have been bioengineered into COVID-19?  And, are new infection agents being added with each generation of the Covid bioweapon?  Also, are there bioengineered pathogens being inserted to target certain bloodlines, or races, or nations, or geographic locations, etc.?

It does appear that each successive flu season, henceforth, will be used to keep the so-called Coronavirus pandemic on the radar screen for the rest of our lives.  For only in this way can this Plandemic be used to foist THE GREAT RESET on the entire planetary civilization with relatively little popular dissent.

Such a nefarious plan to implement a never-ending global pandemic has also facilitated the surreptitious administration of the long-anticipated FunVax injection.  And it doesn’t get any worse than FUNVAX: Globalist Plot to Mandate COVID-19 Vaccine Exposes Shocking Satanic Conspiracy.

Lastly, it’s vital for folks to understand that the THE GREAT SCAMDEMIC OF 2020 IS COLLAPSING… … … faster than the Twin Tower on 9/11.  That’s because very courageous heroes like Kary Mullis conducted truth-telling interviews like this one: PCR Test Creator Reveals Raw Truth About Its Testing Deficiency and Dr. Fauci’s Corruption at NIAID (Video)

TheTruth Movement also needs to fully support the brave souls who produced the indispensable Covid videos at this link: 3 CRITICAL COVID VIDEOS.  You know the deal: “When in doubt, send them out” … far and wide … so that patriots everywhere are exposed to this life-saving information.  Thank you for doing your part!

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Dr Reiner Füllmich – send everywhere. A game changer
Dr Reiner Fullmich


The early cover up
Victoria is the new North Korea…lets compare
Should we wear a face mask?

Crimes against Humanity: COVID Class Action Lawsuits Incoming

Dr Reiner Fuellmich, a lawyer who’s been a member of the bar in both Germany and California for 26 years and whose English is that of a native speaker discusses the findings of the International Corona Investigative Committee that was formed on July 10, 2020 by lawyers, doctors, and scientists.

This group originally set out to determine: 1) How dangerous is the virus? 2) What is the significance of a positive test? 3) What collateral damage has been caused by the corona measures in regards to the world’s health and economy?

They have jointly reached the conclusion that COVID-19 may be the greatest crime against humanity in history.

Dr Fuellmich has apparently litigated with success against Deutsche Bank and Volkswagen and he lays out a legal case of crimes against humanity for enforcing lockdowns based on the fraudulent use of PCR test results.

He says the COVID-19 measures imposed, such as social distancing, wearing a mask, lockdown and quarantine are designed to “make people panic so that they believe without asking questions that their lives are in danger, so that in the end, the pharmaceutical and tech industries can generate huge profits from the sale of PCR tests, antigen and antibody tests and vaccines, as well as the harvesting of our genetic fingerprint.”

However, Fuellmich says, “The allegedly new and highly-dangerous coronavirus has not caused any excess mortality anywhere in the world and certainly not here, in Germany but the anti-corona measures, whose only bases are the PCR test results…have, in the meantime caused the loss of innumerable human lives and have destroyed the economic existence of countless companies and individuals worldwide…

“In Australia, for example, people are thrown into prison if they do not wear a mask or do not wear it properly, as deemed by the authorities. In the Philippines, people who do not wear a mask or do not wear it properly…are getting shot in the head…

“If the PCR tests had not been used as a diagnostic tool for corona infections, there would not be a ‘pandemic’ and there would be no lockdowns but everything would have been perceived as just a medium or light wave of influenza…

“As a result of the deliberate panic-mongering and the corona measures enabled by this panic, democracy is in great danger of being replaced by fascist totalitarian models, as I already mentioned above in Australia…

“As more and more independent studies and expert statements show, under the rules of Civil Tort law, all those who have been harmed by these PCR test-induced lockdowns are entitled to receive full compensation for their losses.”

Dr Fuellmich describes the detailed paper written by Stephen Kohn, an official at Germany’s Department of the Interior, who is responsible for risk assessment and the protection of the population against risks was leaked recently, called the False Alarm Paper. This paper comes to the conclusion that there was and is no sufficient evidence for serious health risks for the population, as claimed by German health authorities and the WHO.

Kohn concludes that, due to the preponderance of evidence, the government will be held responsible for the damages it inflicted upon the population.

Dr Fuellmich says the crimes committed by various health authorities and the WHO must be legally qualified as actual crimes against humanity, as defined in Section 7 of the International Criminal Code and he suggests that the path forward to compensatory damages and to political consequences is through the Class Action lawsuit.

Were the people of the world to succeed in such cases, the WHO and all government entities responsible for enforcing this COVID fraud and crimes against humanity could be bankrupted and forced to disband, in a backfire of unimaginably epic proportions.

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Sept. 30 Update – A- S- S- A- N- G- E News

James Ricketson/John Shipton+BayFM+Mary Kostakidis+CN+


Bugging Devices transmitting to USA agents outside, plans to poison, plans to kidnap

 I hope you are well. In my opinion an act of espionage/spying was executed by UC Global specifically for USA government agencies in the Ecuadorian embassy where Julian Assange had been granted political asylum. Bugging devices were placed on Ecuadorian embassy windows to wirelessly broadcast to USA Intelligence agents outside the embassy. Broadcasting discussions that Julian Assange was having within the embassy as well as recording Ecuadorian Embassy staff activities. Within witness testimony it was disclosed that there had been discussions about poisoning Assange to make him leave the embassy to seek medical attention for poisoning to presumably serve him up for the extradition process  as well as planning leaving the embassy doors open to allow for his kidnapping via alleged criminal conspiracy. PLEASE GO TO THE NEWS LETTER AND READ THE WHOLE STORY AND SUBSCRIBE

SEP 30, 2020 — 

This is the latest News Letter from our esteemed Phillip Adams who is doing his best along with others to have Julian Assange freed from the Hell that he finds him self in for exposing the horrific War Crimes of the mighty USA and how have not addressed any of the war Crimes that they are responsible for. Our Government is useless in protesting Assange let alone anyone else over seas who are suffering injustices. We call upon our PM to assert all the influence he can muster to Bring Assange HOME where he belongs and indeed he should have HERO STATUS for exposing these Crimes of the USA. We should be calling for Justice for the millions who have lost their lives and their Countries based on a LIE. Good Luck with that!


NEWS FROM PHILLIP ADAMS – Hi All, I hope you are all well. I have a mix of updates. 

Consortium News YouTube Report Update Day 16:

“Former warden Maureen Baird: Assange would get “desolate and degrading” Special Administrative Measures”

Are wondering what more you can do? Why not do something easy. Easy Easy 3 Step Mailer automatically prepares and sends emails to parliamentarians and other important gatekeepers in this campaign. It really does all the work for you and sends emails from you to them. You even receive delivery confirmations from the emails of the parliamentarians. Easy 3  Step sent over 3,000 emails over the past few days from Signatories to parliamentarians and other gatekeepers. In total it has prepared and delivered over 50,000 emails from YOU to THEM. It is open for all people from all nations and tailors the letter/email to be specifically relevant as per your citizenship/nation of origin. Try it. It’s free and it helps tell those in power how you really feel. Tell them about this TRAVESTY.

Note the 3 Step Mailer is a smart system that sends complimentary emails to those politicians that are fighting like all of us to Free Julian Assange and Stop the USA Extradition. It sends a different email to those that are silent or against what we are demanding. In this campaign Silence is Complicity to the perversion of justice, torture and the destruction of our democracy.

Thankyou Matthew Bretherton for your ongoing support & thankyou to all of you for making this powerful petition what it is today.


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From Mark: Follow this link to see a timeline of links connecting to official source documents on HCQ efficacy, dating back to 1983:
Most of the links are very recent due to the urgency in treating CoVID-19. The timeline indicates there’s many “non-conspiratorial” reports regarding positive outcomes of HCQ-based treatments which are being either misrepresented or ignored by the MSM for obvious reasons.
I suppose if anyone prefers seeing “non-conspiratorial” negative reports on the efficacy of HCQ, just go to any ‘world-renowned’ offical site such as the WHO, CSC, FDA, the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine and many others. With a plethora of positive efficacy reports available, one would think at least a few of those positive reports would have found there way to any one or all of these organisations, investigated accordingly and then broadcasted universally. 

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See Serene Teffaha for indepth explanationsBRILLIANT

How the Victorian Government’s Emergency Restrictions on COVID-19 (Coronavirus) work

Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 (Vic)send the authors to Siberia and all the house members who voted for this crap!! shame! shame! shame! you are not Aussies!

Metropolitan Melbourne’s 14-day average for new coronavirus cases against reopening targets

Step one came info effect on September 13 .
Step two will come into effect on September 28 if the 14-day average for metropolitan Melbourne is between 30 and 50.
Step three will come into effect on October 26 if the 14-day average for the whole state drops below five and there have been fewer than five new mystery cases statewide over the same period.
The final step will come into effect on November 23 if the state records no new cases for a fortnight.

Hello Friends,  I am asking your help regarding a legislative or political matter now before the Victoria state parliament.  I understand that many of you are not interested in state politics or what happens in Spring Street, and I can well understand that.  However I regard this matter as potentially very, very serious, possibly with severe future implications for the personal rights and liberties of all of us living here in Victoria.  I wish to thank my friend Dr. Isaac Golden for drawing my attention to this matter. The bill or proposed legislation now before the state parliament is the COVID-19 Omnibus (Emergency Measures) and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2020 ( ).  That bill passed the lower house of the Victoria Parliament on 18 September but is yet to be debated or voted on in the upper house.  From what I understand, the upper house or Legislative Council of the parliament will be discussing the matter and then voting on it starting on their next sitting day, which according to the website will be on 13 October. I was unaware until I started researching this, that a bill with a similar name, the COVID-19 Omnibus (Emergency Measures) Bill 2020 ( ) passed both houses of the state parliament in April.  That bill was in response to the growing coronavirus outbreak crisis here.  I am sure that you are all aware of the Stage 3 (regional Victoria) and Stage 4 (Melbourne and suburbs) coronavirus lockdown or restrictions which were authorised under that bill.  And just to complete the picture, both the bill that became law in April as well as the current bill contain modifications or amendments to an earlier piece of legislation, the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 ).  Now I can state why I, and many others who have looked into this bill, consider the COVID-19 Omnibus (Emergency Measures) and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2020 to be so sinister.  Let me present some recent articles in the media.  The first is an article from The Age: .  Here are some quotes from that article: 

New powers to detain people considered a high risk of negligently spreading COVID-19 are set to be debated in State Parliament this week.  The Victorian government could also enlist protective services officers and WorkSafe inspectors to enforce public health directions under the proposed law…….  People suspected by health authorities of being likely to spread the virus if they are COVID-positive or a close contact of an infected person could be forcibly detained if the bill is passed.

The rules, confirmed to The Age by a state government spokesman, could be applied to conspiracy theorists who refuse to self-isolate or severely drug-affected or mentally impaired people who do not have the capacity to quarantine.  Those caught under the new rules could be detained in places where they could be monitored, such as hotels.

The Omnibus (Emergency Measures) Bill proposes new powers the government says will strengthen the state’s pandemic response, including broadening the types of government employees who can act as authorised officers.  (In my understanding that means that doctors and health workers are to be given powers of arrest and detention that are normally reserved for police officers!).  The state of emergency and state of disaster…….. allow the officers to detain any person “for the period reasonably necessary to eliminate or reduce a serious risk to public health”.  The officers can also restrict movement, search premises without a warrant and give other directions that are deemed necessary to protect public health.

And here is an article from the Australian Associated Press that also discusses the new legislation:  A few quotes from that article:

Prominent legal figures want the Victorian government to change its controversial COVID-19 Omnibus bill, calling some of the provisions “unprecedented, excessive and open to abuse”…..  The 14 retired judges and QC’s have published an open letter, saying they are “deeply concerned” that the bill went through state parliament’s lower house last week……  The list of QCs putting their names to the letter include retired High Court judge Michael McHugh and former Federal Court judges Peter Heerey and Neil Young………  There are growing concerns about a section of the bill that gives more powers to authorised officers to detain people, as part of the state government’s coronavirus restrictions.

Friends, when a retired judge from the High Court of Australia and two former Federal Court judges, as well as other legal “heavyweights” speak out in public about the new bill, you know that it is a very serious matter indeed!

Finally an article from Russia Today.  It is very interesting that Russian-backed media – given the poor history of protection of human rights against government control in Russia – are now in a position to (correctly!) lecture us in the West on legislation that gives the government seemingly totalitarian powers!:

Friends, I hate to state this but in my opinion, Premier Daniel Andrews and the state ALP are now proposing this bill (already passed in the lower house, the Legislative Assembly as stated) to give themselves dictatorial powers, while pretending those powers are necessary to control the spread of the coronavirus!  As we all know, here in Victoria the daily numbers of persons who are diagnosed with the disease have declined rapidly and dramatically in the past week or two.  So given this successful trend – which Premier Andrews has pointed out as a successful outcome to the government’s strategy – why is he requesting such draconian powers in the new COVID-19 Omnibus Bill?  I supported Premier Andrews and the ALP during the last state election in November 2019 and was happy to see them returned to power.  However, now I strongly suspect that Andrews is pursuing a secret and possibly sinister agenda in asking the parliament to pass the new legislation.

So what to do now, how to stop this draconian legislation from passing in the upper house, the Legislative Council, in the Victoria state parliament?  The good news is that Andrews and the ALP do not have a majority in the upper house.  Thus for them to pass the bill, they will have to rely on independent and minor party MPs in the Legislative Council.  In late August three of those MPs – Fiona Patten from the Reason Party, Ellen Sandell from the Victorian Greens, and Andy Meddick from the Animal Justice Party – were critical in helping Premier Andrews pass legislation enabling him to extend the State of Emergency powers through which he was able to put in place the Stage 3 and 4 lockdowns.  Given the current setup in the state parliament, if enough persons from the general public put enough pressure on independent and minor party MPs – especially those three – then the bill can probably be defeated.  Or if not defeated, significant amendments to the legislation will be presented, which Premier Andrews and the ALP will have to honour, in order for the bill to pass.

To make this easier for those of you who are concerned about this matter, and who wish to take some action to prevent the draconian aspects of this bill from passage, I have prepared a simple message which if you feel motivated, you can send to some of the MPs in the upper house.  You are most welcome to rewrite this message as you feel appropriate, or even write a completely new message.  The bottom line is that when it comes to politics, the numbers matter and so if enough persons speak up and speak out, we have a good chance of stopping this legislation.  Here is the message:

Dear MPs in the Victoria Legislative Council,

I have recently learned about a piece of new or proposed legislation before the state parliament, theCOVID-19 Omnibus (Emergency Measures) and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2020 (  I am very concerned about some of the provisions of this bill, especially the section that would give government employees such as doctors and health workers the power to detain and even arrest persons who test positive for the COVID-19 disease, as well as close contacts of the infected individual.  Even more concerning is the section that gives the government or health workers the power torestrict movement of persons suspected of being infected with the virus, search premises without a warrant and give other directions that are deemed necessary to protect public health.  Normally such powers are only reserved for police officers who have received appropriate training.These proposed powers in the new legislation seem to me to be excessive.  Some persons would even argue that they threaten the basis of the personal democratic rights that we have known and taken for granted for decades and even over a century, not only in Victoria but in other states in Australia as well.  Recently a group of high-powered legal professionals – including a retired judge from the bench of the High Court of Australia and also two former Federal Court judges, as well as several QCs – have expressed their concern about the new legislation in a public letter.  The details of those concerns are contained in this article from the Australian Associated Press: .As we have seen during recent days and in the past week or so, the daily numbers of persons who have been diagnosed as being infected with the coronavirus have declined dramatically in Victoria.  On many occasions during the past week, Premier Andrews has pointed to those falling figures as proof that the Stage 3 (regional Victoria) and Stage 4 (Melbourne and suburbs) restrictions that were introduced over a month ago have been successful.  If the government’s strategy to contain the spread of the coronavirus in this state has been so successful in recent days, then why the push to give the government and especially health workers such excessive powers now?  All that makes little sense, I reckon.Because of my concerns, I am asking that you please seriously consider voting against passage of theCOVID-19 Omnibus (Emergency Measures) and Other ActsAmendment Bill 2020 when the Upper House next sits, which according to the Legislative Council website is 13 October.  IF Premier Andrews and the ALP state government are really so concerned with the COVID-19 spread in this state, then surely they can find other ways and means to combat the virus, without passing legislation that impacts so dramatically upon the traditional personal rights and liberties of ordinary citizens and residents.    

Sincerely yours,

…………………….. (name)

……………………. (your choice as to whether to include city or town of residence or not)

Here is the list of e-mails of MPs that will be critical in either defeating the legislation, or forcing major changes to it.  The first four names on the list (highlighted in yellow) are the most important, so not critical to include all names unless you so wish: 

Regards,         Zachary C. Casper <>

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THIS SITE LOOKS LIKE A MOST COMPREHENSIVE COMPILATION IF EVIDENCED BASED MATERIAL – It is amazing to me that still many people still believe the OFFICIAL story but steel building do not collapse faster than gravity and many seem to forget about WTC7 which was a perfect demolition. I am amazed at Jon Fayne who was the 774 Radio presenter for many years and he could not tolerate any mention of conspiracy views around 911. So annoying to hear him and now he is most annoying in encouraging Dan Andrews on to destroy our State of Victoria and in particular Melbourne. I might mention that in his article he forgot to mention he IS WORKING FOR THE PREMIER. Just a little oversight dear Jon. Any way Fools choose to be Fools and will keep their eyes shut no matter what. If you still have any doubts check this site out. Use a little logic and then open your eyes and maybe see what is going on today in a different light. There is much to be said for sure. My big gripe is why they deny any TREATMENTS?. Especially in the ALTERNATIVE HOLISTIC treatments. They are very active shutting down any voices who have great suggestions. But that is another story!

if it looks like a DEMOLITION…IT PROBABLY IS!!!